London Street Skates

Snail Stroll – Chelsea Edition

The perfect way to step up to street skating.  Join today’s Snail Stroll.

❌️ Don’t wear your Chelsea boots
❌ ️Leave the Chelsea tractor at home.

✅️ The Chelsea Snail 🐌 is where you want to be!

Shall we head back to Fulham Broadway? Nice smooth fun going route? Chelsea is away so let’s have fun 🙂

Sound crew will keep the party going while the marshals whisk us through town! Get your skates on!!


  • Lead Marshal: Carl
  • Half Time: Fulham Broadway
  • Distance: 7.8 miles


Sun 04 Jun 2023


1:45 pm - 4:00 pm

Route Map

Route Map


Serpentine Road, Hyde Park
Route Map

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